RPWD Rules 2017 and Amendment Rules 2019, 2020, 2023 & 2024

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017 (as updated)

Published vide Notification No. G.S.R. 591(E), dated 15th June, 2017

[Includes the following:
1. Insertion of Chapter V A vide the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Rules, 2019 published vide notification No. G.S.R. 209(E), dated 08th March  2019;  
2. Insertion vide G.S.R. 181(E)  Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Rules, 2020: 
3. Insertion of ICT Standards in Section 15 vide  RPWD (Amendment) Rules 2023 issued vide G.S.R. 359(E) dated 10 May 2023
4. Insertion of Harmonized Guidelines on Universal Accessibility 2021 replacing the HG 2016 in 15(1)(a) vide RPWD (Amendment) Rules 2023 issued vide G.S.R. 413(E) dated 05 June 2023
5. All other insertions in the Rule 15 for issuing sector specific guidelines]

[Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)]

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

G.S.R. 591(E). - Whereas a draft of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017 was published as required by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 100 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (49 of 2016) in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-II, Section 3, Sub-section (i) vide number G.S.R. 398 (E), dated the 21st April, 2017, inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby, before the expiry of thirty days from the date on which the copies of the Official Gazette containing the said notification were made available to the public;

And whereas the copies of the Official Gazette in which the said notification was published were made available to the public on the 22nd April, 2017;

And whereas objections and suggestions received from the public on the said draft rules were considered by the Central Government;

Now, therefore, in exercise of powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 100 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (49 of 2016), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely:-



1. Short title, extent and commencement. - (1) These rules may be called the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017.

(2) They extend to the whole of India.

(3) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions. - (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) "Act" means the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (49 of 2016);

(b) "certificate" means a certificate of disability issued under section 57 of the Act;

(c) "Form" means a form appended to these rules.

(2) Words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the Act shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act.


Rights and Entitlements

3. Establishment not to discriminate on the ground of disability. - (1) The head of the establishment shall ensure that the provision of sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Act are not misused to deny any right or benefit to persons with disabilities covered under the Act.

(2) If the head of the Government establishment or a private establishment employing twenty or more persons receives a complaint from an aggrieved persons regarding discrimination on the ground of disability, he shall -

(a) initiate action in accordance with the provisions of the Act; or

(b) inform the aggrieved person in writing as to how the impugned act or omission is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.

(3) If the aggrieved person submits a complaint to the Chief Commissioner or State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, as the case may be, the complaint shall be disposed of within a period of sixty days:

Provided that in exceptional cases, the Chief Commissioner or State Commissioner may dispose of such complaint within thirty days.

(4) No establishment shall compel a person with disability to partly or fully pay the costs incurred for reasonable accommodation.

4. Central Committee for Research on Disability. - (1) The Central Committee for Research on Disability shall consist of the following persons, namely:-

(i) an eminent person having vast experience in the field of science or medicine, to be nominated by the Central Government, ex officio - Chairperson;

(ii) nominee of the Director General of Health Services not below the rank of Deputy Director General - Member;

(iii) four persons drawn from National Institutes representing physical, visual, hearing and intellectual disabilities, to be nominated by the Central Government - Members;

(iv) five persons as representatives of the registered organisations, from each of the five groups of specified disabilities in the Schedule to the Act, to be nominated by the Central Government - Members:

Provided that at least one representative of the registered organizations is a woman;

(v) the Director, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, New Delhi shall be the Member Secretary.

(2) The Chairperson may invite any expert as a special invitee.

(3) The term of office of the nominated members shall be for a period of three years from the date on which they enter upon office, and the nominated member shall be eligible for re-nomination for one more term.

(4) One half of the members shall constitute the quorum for the meeting.

(5) The non-official members and special invitees shall be entitled for travelling allowance and daily allowance as admissible to a Group "A" officer of the Central Government.

(6) The Central Government may provide the Committee with such clerical and other staff as it deems necessary.

5. Person with disability not to be a subject of research. - No person with disability shall be a subject of research except when the research involves physical impact on his body.

6. Procedure to be followed by Executive Magistrate. - For the purposes of dealing with the complaints under section 7 of the Act, the Executive Magistrate shall follow the procedure provided in sections 133 to 143 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974).


Nodal Officer in the District Education Office

7. There shall be a nodal officer in the District Education Office to deal with all matters relating to admission of children with disabilities and the facilities to be provided to them in schools in accordance with the provisions of sections 16 and 31 of the Act.



8. Manner of publication of equal opportunity policy. - (1) Every establishment shall publish equal opportunity policy for persons with disabilities.

(2) The establishment shall display the equal opportunity policy preferably on their website, failing which, at conspicuous places in their premises.

(3) The equal opportunity policy of a private establishment having twenty or more employees and the Government establishments shall inter alia, contain the following, namely:-

(a) facility and amenity to be provided to the persons with disabilities to enable them to effectively discharge their duties in the establishment;

(b) list of posts identified suitable for persons with disabilities in the establishment;

(c) the manner of selection of persons with disabilities for various posts, post-recruitment and pre-promotion training, preference in transfer and posting, special leave, preference in allotment of residential accommodation if any, and other facilities;

(d) provisions for assistive devices, barrier-free accessibility and other provisions for persons with disabilities;

(e) appointment of liaison officer by the establishment to look after the recruitment of persons with disabilities and provisions of facilities and amenities for such employees.

(4) The equal opportunity policy of the private establishment having less than twenty employees shall contain facilities and amenities to be provided to the persons with disabilities to enable them to effectively discharge their duties in the establishment.

9. Form and manner of maintaining records by the establishments. - (1) Every establishment covered under sub-rule (3) of rule 8 shall maintain records containing the following particulars, namely:-

(a) the number of persons with disabilities who are employed and the date from when they are employed;

(b) the name, gender and address of persons with disabilities;

(c) the nature of disability of such persons;

(d) the nature of work being rendered by such employed person with disability; and

(e) the kind of facilities being provided to such persons with disabilities.

(2) Every establishment shall produce for inspection on demand, records maintained under these rules, to the authorities under this Act and shall supply such information which may be required for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions have been complied with.

10. Manner of maintenance of register of complaints by the Government establishments. - (1) Every Government establishment shall appoint an officer not below the rank of a Gazetted Officer as Grievance Redressal Officer:

Provided that where it is not possible to appoint any Gazetted Officer, the Government establishment may appoint the senior most Officer as a Grievance Redressal Officer.

(2) The Grievance Redressal Officer shall maintain a register of complaints of persons with disabilities with the following particulars, namely:-

(a) date of complaint;

(b) name of complainant;

(c) name of the person who is enquiring the complaint;

(d) place of incident;

(e) the name of establishment or person against whom the complaint is made;

(f) gist of the complaint;

(g) documentary evidence, if any;

(h) date of disposal by the Grievance Redressal Officer;

(i) details of disposal of the appeal by the district level committee; and

(j) any other information.


Vacancies for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities

11. Computation of vacancies. - (1) For the purposes of computation of vacancies, four percent of the total number of vacancies including vacancies arising in the identified and non-identified posts in the cadre strength in each group of posts shall be taken into account by the appropriate Government for the persons with benchmark disabilities:

Provided that the reservation in promotion shall be in accordance with the instructions issued by the appropriate Government from time to time.

(2) Every Government establishment shall maintain a vacancy based roster for the purpose of calculation of vacancies for persons with benchmark disabilities in the cadre strength as per the instructions issued by the appropriate Government from time to time.

(3) While making advertisement to fill up vacancies, every Government establishment shall indicate the number of vacancies reserved for each class of persons with benchmark disabilities in accordance with the provisions of section 34 of the Act.

(4) The reservation for persons with disabilities in accordance with the provisions of section 34 of the Act shall be horizontal and the vacancies for persons with benchmark disabilities shall be maintained as a separate class.

12. Interchange of vacancies. - The Government establishment shall interchange vacancies in accordance with the provisions of section 34 of the Act, only if due process of recruitment to fill up the vacancies reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities has been complied with.

13. Submission of Returns on Vacancies. - (1) Every Government establishment shall furnish to the local special employment exchange returns in Form - I once in every six months for the period from 1st April to 30th September and from 1st October to 31st March, and in Form -II once in every two years.

(2) The six monthly return shall be furnished within thirty days of the respective dates which is, 31st March and, 30th September of every financial year.

(3) The two yearly return shall be furnished within thirty days of the closing of every alternate financial year:

Provided that the first two yearly returns shall be furnished for the financial year closing on 31st March, 2019.

14. Form in which record to be kept by an employer. - Every Government establishment shall maintain the record of employees with disabilities in Form - III.


(Inserted vide Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Rules, 2019)

14A. (1) The State Governments or Union Territory Administrations shall notify the authority to whom a person with benchmark disability can apply for the high support requirement as per sub-section (1) of Section 38 of the Act.

(2) Only the persons with benchmark disabilities having permanent certificate of disability shall be eligible for applying for high support requirement.

(3) The State Governments shall constitute Assessment Board at the District level or Division level based on the number of persons with benchmark disabilities comprising the following:-

(a) District Chief Medical Officer or Civil Surgeon or Medical Superintendent  ….Chairperson;

(b) District Social Welfare Officer                      ………Member;

(c) Five rehabilitation specialists [Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation or Orthopaedic specialist, ENT specialist, Ophthalmologist, General Physician (if the applicant is 18 years or above) or Pediatrician (if the applicant is less than 18 years), Psychiatrist]  …………Members;

(d) Occupational therapist or speech therapist or Clinical Psychologist or Physiotherapist (as per requirement)                                             ………… Member;

(e) Any other expert as the Chairperson deems appropriate      ……….Member.

(4) The authority notified under sub-rule (1) shall refer every case to the Assessment Board for assessment of applicant’s high support requirement.

(5) The Assessment Board shall invite the applicant of high support requirements for assessment and may, if necessary, seek clinical assessment.

(6) The Assessment Board shall assess the applicant on the basis of the six parameters (a) to (f) and assign scores on the basis of the 100 point graded weightage indicated below:-




(a) Severity of physical disability

(Max. weightage – 25)

(a) 40% - 59%

(b) 60% - 79%

(c) 80% - 100%




(b) Severity of mental/ developmental disability (which restricts the person to take any informed decision)

(Max. weightage – 25)

(a) 40% - 59%

(b) 60% - 79%

(c) 80% - 100%




(c) The extent to which daily activities in a person is hampered

(Max. weightage – 35)

(i) Bathing, Brushing, combing, Dressing

(ii) Toilet hygiene (getting to the toilet, cleaning oneself, getting backup etc)

(iii) Functional mobility (ability to work, get in and out of bed, get in and out of a chair, moving from one place to other while performing activities)

(iv) Self-feeding (not including cooking)









(d) Cognitive Abilities like ability to take safety measures to use transport, logistics, gadgets, not to get lost

(Max. weightage – 5)



(e) Environmental Barriers like access to health care or support systems for rehabilitation or health needs

(Max. weightage – 5)



(f) Socio-economic status

(Max. weightage – 5)







(7) Any person with benchmark disability with a score 60 out of 100 point mentioned in sub-rule (6) may be recommended by the Assessment Board for high support needs.

(8) The Assessment Board shall submit its recommendations to the authority notified under sub-rule (1) within a period of 90 days from the date of receiving request for assessment from the said authority.

(9) The State Government or Union Territory Administrations may develop dedicated schemes to provide high support to such persons with benchmark disabilities.

(10) The authority notified under sub-rule (1) shall consider the application for high support requirement on the basis of the recommendations of the Assessment Board keeping in view the schemes or programmes of the respective State Governments or Union Territory Administrations, as the case may be.



15. Rules for Accessibility. - (1) Every establishment shall comply with the following standards relating to physical environment, transport and information and communication technology, namely :-

(a) standard for public buildings as specified in the Harmonised Guidelines and Space Standards for Barrier Free Built Environment for Persons With Disabilities and Elderly Persons as issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Urban Development in March, 2016;  standard for public buildings as specified in the Harmonised Guidelines and Standards for Universal Accessibility in India – 2021, notified by the Government of India in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, vide notification number O-17/4/2022-works-3-UD dated the 18th October, 2022, as amended from time to time. (sub para 15(1)(a) replaced by Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Rules 2023 issued vide G.S.R. 413(E) dated 05 June 2023).
(b) standard for Bus Body Code for transportation system as specified in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, vide number G.S.R. 895(E), dated 20 September 2016
(c) Information and Communication Technology -

(i) website standard as specified in the guidelines for Indian Government websites, as adopted by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, Government of India;

(ii) documents to be placed on websites shall be in Electronic Publication (ePUB) or Optical Character Reader (OCR) based Pdf format;

(iii) Websites, apps, information and communication technology based public facilities and services, electronic goods and equipment which are meant for everyday use, information and communication technology based consumer products and accessories for general use with persons with disabilities, and other products and services which are based on information and communication technology, shall comply with the Indian standards IS 17802 (Part 1), 2021 and IS 17802 (Part 2), 2022, published by the Bureau of Indian Standards vide notification numbers HQ-PUB013/1/2020-PUB-BIS(278), dated the 24th December, 2021 and HQ-PUB013/1/2020-PUB-BIS(358), dated the 4th May, 2022, respectively as amended from time to time; [sub para (iii) inserted vide RPWD Amenment rules 2023 issued vide G.S.R. 359(E) dated 10 May 2023]

(d)   Culture sector specific harmonised accessibility standards/ guidelines, notified by the Government of India in the Ministry of Culture, vide notification number G.S.R. 7 dated 18th January, 2023, as amended from time to time;  [para (d) inserted vide  RPWD Amendment Rules 2023 issued in G.S.R. 504 (E). dated the 13 th July, 2023] 

(e)  Guidelines on accessible sports complex and residential facilities for sports persons with disabilities, notified by the Government of India in the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (Department of Sports), vide notification number 7-6/MYAS/MDSD/2021 dated 13 th October, 2022, as amended from time to time; [para (e) inserted vide  RPWD Amendment Rules 2023 issued in G.S.R. 517 (E). dated the 17 th July, 2023] 

(f) The Accessibility Standards and Guidelines for Civil Aviation 2022, notified by the Government of India in the Ministry of Civil Aviation, vide notification number AV-24032/56/2021-AAI-MoCA, dated the 9 th January, 2023, as amended from time to time;  [para (f) inserted vide  RPWD Amendment Rules 2023 issued in G.S.R. 528 (E). dated the 11 th July, 2023]

(g) Accessibility Standards for HealthCare, notified by the Government of India in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, vide notification number F.No. T.21017/20/2021-NCD.I (NPPCD)/Part., dated the 4th May, 2023;   [para (g) inserted vide  RPWD Amendment Rules 2023 issued in G.S.R. 598 (E). dated the 9 th August, 2023]

(h) Rural sector specific harmonized accessibility standards/ guidelines, as specified in the notification of the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India vide notification number G.S.R. 77, dated the 26th June, 2023;  [para (h) inserted vide  RPWD Amendment Rules 2023 issued in G.S.R. 849(E). , dated the 16 th Nov 2023]

(i)  Guidelines on Accessible and Inclusive Piped Water Supply for Persons with Disabilities and for other Population Groups with Access Challenges, as specified in the notification of the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Government of India vide notification number CDN-11017/58/2021-Coordination-DDWS, dated the 2nd August, 2023; and 

(j)  Accessibility standards for community toilets in Rural Areas, as specified in the notification of the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Government of India vide notification number S-18012/5/2021-SBM-DDWS dated the 4th August, 2023  [para (i) and (j) inserted vide  RPWD Amendment Rules 2024 issued in G.S.R. 07 (E) , dated the 02nd January 2024]

(k) Guidelines for Accessibility Standards in Port Sector, as specified in the notification of the Ministry of Port Shipping and Waterways, Government of India vide notification number F. No. CD-11053/63/2021-Coord, dated the 8th November, 2023 [para (k) inserted vide  RPWD Amendment Rules 2024 issued in G.S.R. 114(E), dated the 15 Feb, 2024.]

(â„“) Guidelines on accessibility of Indian Railway stations and facilities at stations for differently abled persons (Divyangjan) and passengers with reduced mobility as specified, in the notification of the Ministry of Railways, Government of India vide notification number F.No.2019/Stn.Dev.-I/03/06/Policy/PwDs, dated 13th November, 2023  [para (l) inserted vide RPWD Amendment Rules 2024 issued in G.S.R. 175(E) dated 08 March 2024.]

(m)  Accessibility Standards and Guidelines for MHA Specific Built Infrastructures & Associated Services for Police Stations, Prisons & Disaster Mitigation Centres, as specified in the notification of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India vide notification number F. No. I-34020/187/2020-Coord.I., dated the 2nd January, 2024   [para (m) inserted vide  RPWD Amendment Rules 2024 issued in G.S.R. 334 (E) , dated the 22nd March, 2024.]

(n) Accessibility Code for Educational Institutions as specified, in the notification of the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education, Government of India vide notification number F. No. 9-4/2022-IS.18 dated 10th January, 2024. [para (n) inserted vide RPWD Amendment Rules 2024 issued in G.S.R. 343(E) dated 20 June 2024]

(o) Accessibility Guidelines and Standards for Higher Education Insitutions and Universities, as specified, in the notification of the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India vide notification number F. No. N-11018/01/2024 dated 19th January, 2024” [para (o) inserted vide RPWD Amendment Rules 2024 issued in G.S.R. 358(E) dated 25 June 2024] 

(p) Accessibility Standards and Guidelines for Banking Sector as specified in the notification in the Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Government of India vide Notification no. F. No. 7/32/2022-BOA-I dated the 2nd February, 2024[para (p) inserted vide RPWD Amendment Rules 2024 issued in G.S.R.  361(E) dated 02 July 2024] 

(q)  Accessibility Standards and Guidelines for infrastructure and services in Insurance Sector as specified in the notification of the Department of Financial Service, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, vide notification number F. No. 16017/6/2022 Ins.I, dated the 20th August 2024”  [para (q) inserted vide RPWD Amendment Rules 2024 issued in G.S.R. ------  dated ------- 2024]  


Provided that the standard of accessibility in respect of other services and facilities shall be specified by the Central Government within a period of six months from the date of notification of these rules.

(2) The respective Ministries and Departments shall ensure compliance of the standards of accessibility specified under this rule through the concerned domain regulators or otherwise.

16. Review of Accessibility Standards. - The Central Government shall review from time to time the accessibility standards notified based on the latest scientific knowledge and technology.


Certificate of Disability

17. Application for certificate of disability. - (1) Any person with specified disability may apply in Form -IV for a certificate of disability and submit the application to -

(a) a medical authority or any other notified competent authority to issue such a certificate in the district of residence of the applicant as mentioned in the proof of residence in the application; or

(b) the concerned medical authority in a government hospital where he may be undergoing or may have undergone treatment in connection with his disability:

Provided that where a person with disability is a minor or suffering from intellectual disability or any other disability which renders him unfit or unable to make such an application himself, the application on his behalf may be made by his legal guardian or by any organisation registered under the Act having the minor under its care.

(2) The application shall be accompanied by -

(a) proof of residence;

(b) two recent passport size photographs; and

(c) aadhaar number or aadhaar enrollment number, if any.

    Note. - No other proof of residence shall be demanded from the applicant who has aadhaar or aadhaar enrollment number.

18. Issue of certificate of disability. - (1) On receipt of an application under rule 17, the medical authority or any other notified competent authority shall, verify the information as provided by the applicant and shall assess the disability in terms of the relevant guidelines issued by the Central Government and after satisfying himself that the applicant is a person with disability, issue a certificate of disability in his favour in Form V, VI and VII, as the case may be.

(2) The medical authority shall issue the certificate of disability within a month from the date of receipt of the application.

(3) The medical authority shall, after due examination -

(i) issue a permanent certificate of disability in cases where there are no chances of variation of disability over time in the degree of disability; or

(ii) issue a certificate of disability indicating the period of validity, in cases where there is any chance of variation over time in the degree of disability.

(4) If an applicant is found ineligible for issue of certificate of disability, the medical authority shall convey the reasons to him in writing under Form VIII within a period of one month from the date of receipt of the application.

(5) The State Government and Union territory Administration shall ensure that the certificate of disability is granted on online platform from such date as may be notified by the Central Government.

17. Application for disability certificate and UDID Card.- (1) Any person with specified disability may apply in Form -IV for a disability certificate/ Unique Disability Identity (UDID) Card and submit the application through UDID Portal to:

(a) a medical authority or any other notified competent medical authority to issue such a certificate in the district of residence of the applicant as mentioned in the proof of residence in the application; or

(b) the concerned medical authority in a hospital where he may be undergoing or may have undergone treatment in connection with his disability:

Provided that where a person with disability is a minor or suffering from intellectual disability or any other Disability which renders him unfit or unable to make such an application himself, the application on his behalf may be made by his legal guardian or by any organisation registered under the Act having the minor under its care.

(2) The application shall be accompanied by -

(a) proof of identity;

(b) a recent photograph not older than six months;

(c) proof of residence;

(d) aadhaar number or aadhaar enrolment number.

Note: if an Aadhaar Card is submitted as proof of identity, no additional documents will be required for address proof in case Aadhaar has the same residential address.

18 Issue of disability certificate/ UDID Card.- (1) On receipt of an application under rule 17, the medical authority  or any other notified competent medical authority shall verify the information as provided by the applicant and shall  assess the disability in terms of the relevant guidelines issued by the Central Government and after satisfying himself  that the applicant is a person with disability, issue a disability certificate in Form-V and Form-VI and one of the three  types of colour-coded UDID card in form VII in his favour , as the case may be. One of the three types of colour-coded UDID Card shall be issued based on the severity of the disability-

a. White Band Card: When the disability percentage of a Person with Disability is below forty percent.

b. Yellow Band Card: When the disability percentage of a Person with Disability is forty percent or above but  below eighty percent.

c. Blue Band Card: When the disability percentage of a Person with Disability is eighty percent or above.

(2) The medical authority shall issue the Disability certificate and UDID card within three months, in case any disability is diagnosed.

(3) In case, due to any reason not attributable to concerned Medical authority, no decision is taken by the Medical authority on the application of the applicant for a period above two years, such application shall be made inactive, and the applicant needs to apply afresh on portal, or approach the medical authority to re-activate the pending application.

(4) The medical authority shall, after due examination-

(i) issue a permanent Disability certificate/UDID card in cases where there are no chances of improvement over time in the degree of disability; or

(ii) issue a certificate of disability/UDID Card indicating the period of validity, in cases where there is any chance of improvement over time in the degree of disability.

(5) If an applicant is found ineligible for issuance of certificate of disability/UDID Card after assessment by Specialist or Medical Board or as the case may be, the medical authority shall convey the reasons to him in Form-VIII through online platform within a period of one month from the date of such rejection. The aggrieved applicant may file appeal within ninety days of such rejection, using the mechanism prescribed under Section-59 (1) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.

(6) The State Government and Union territory Administration shall ensure that the certificate of disability/UDID Card is granted through online platform as notified by the Central Government."

(para 17 & 18 replaced by Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Rules 2024 issued vide G.S.R. 649(E). dated 16 October 2024).

19. Certificate issued under rule 18 to be generally valid for all purposes. - A person to whom the certificate issued under rule 18 shall be entitled to apply for facilities, concessions and benefits admissible for persons with disabilities under schemes of the Government and of non-Governmental organizations funded by the Government.

20. Validity of certificate of disability issued under the repealed Act. -

The certificate of disability issued under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (1 of 1996) shall continue to be valid after commencement of the Act for the period specified therein.


Central Advisory Board on Disability

21. Allowances for the members of the Central Advisory Board. - (1) The non-official members of the Central Advisory Board, in Delhi, shall be paid an allowance of rupees two thousand per day for each day of the actual meeting.

(2) The non-official members of the Central Advisory Board, not residing in Delhi shall be paid daily allowance and travelling allowance for each day of the actual meeting at the rate admissible to a Group "A" officer of the Central Government:

Provided that in case a Member of Parliament who is a Member of the Central Advisory Board, the daily allowance and travelling allowance shall be paid at the rate admissible to him as Member of Parliament when the Parliament is not in session and on production of a certificate by the Member that he has not drawn any such allowance for the same journey and halts from any other Government source.

(3) The official member of the Central Advisory Board shall be paid daily allowance and travelling allowance, at the rate admissible under the relevant rules of the respective Government under whom he is serving on production of a certificate by him that he has not drawn any such allowance for the same journey and halts from any other Government source.

22. Notice of meeting. - (1) The meeting of the Central Advisory Board on disability shall ordinarily be held in New Delhi on such dates as may be fixed by the Chairperson:

Provided that it shall meet at least once in every six months.

(2) The Chairperson shall, on the written request of not less than ten members of the Central Advisory Board, call a special meeting of the Board.

(3) The Member -Secretary shall give fifteen clear days' notice of an ordinary meeting and five clear days' notice of a special meeting specifying the time and the place at which such meeting is to be held and the business to be transacted thereat.

(4) The Member-Secretary may give notice to the members by delivering the same by messenger or sending it by registered post to his last known place of residence or business or by email or in such other manner as the Chairperson may, in the circumstances of the case, think fit.

(5) No member shall be entitled to bring forward for the consideration of the meeting, any matter of which he has not given ten clear days' notice to the Member- Secretary, unless the Chairperson may permit him to do so.

(6) The Central Advisory Board may adjourn its meeting from day to day or to any particular day.

(7) Where a meeting of the Central Advisory Board is adjourned from day to day, the Member-Secretary shall give notice of such adjourned meeting at the place where the meeting is adjourned, if held, by messenger and it shall not be necessary to give notice of the adjourned meeting to other members.

(8) Where a meeting of the Central Advisory Board is adjourned not from day to day but from the day on which the meeting is to be held to another day, notice of such meeting shall be given to all the members as provided in sub-rule (4).

23. Presiding officer. - The Chairperson shall preside over every meeting of the Central Advisory Board and in his absence, the Vice-Chairperson shall preside, but when both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson are absent from any meeting, the members present shall elect one of the members to preside over that meeting.

24. Quorum. - (1) One-third of the total members of the Central Advisory Board shall form the quorum for any meeting.

(2) If time fixed for any meeting or during the course of any meeting, less than one-third of the total members are present, the Chairperson may adjourn the meeting to such hours on the following or on some other future date as he may fix.

(3) No quorum shall be necessary for the adjourned meeting.

(4) No matter, which had not been on the agenda of the ordinary or the special meeting, as the case may be, shall be discussed at adjourned meeting.

25. Minutes. - (1) The Member-Secretary shall maintain the record containing the names of members who attended the meeting and of the proceedings at the meetings in a book to be kept for that purpose.

(2) The minutes of the previous meeting shall be read at the beginning of the every succeeding meeting, and shall be confirmed and signed by the presiding officer at such meeting.

(3) The proceedings shall be open to inspection by any member at the office of the Member-Secretary during office hours.

26. Business to be transacted at meeting. - Except with the permission of the presiding officer, no business which is not entered in the agenda or of which notice has not been given by a member under sub-rule (5) of rule 22 shall be transacted at any meeting.

27. Agenda for the meeting of the Central Advisory Board. - (1) The business of the meeting shall be transacted in the order in which it is entered in the agenda, unless otherwise resolved in the meeting with the permission of the presiding officer.

(2) At the beginning of the meeting or after the conclusion of the debate on a motion during the meeting, the presiding officer or a member may suggest a change in the order of business as entered in the agenda and if the Chairperson agrees, such a change shall take place.

28. Decision by majority. - All questions considered at a meeting of the Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members present and voting and in the event of equality of votes, the Chairperson, or in the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson or in the absence of both the member presiding at the meeting, as the case may be, shall have a second or casting vote.

29. No proceeding to be invalid due to vacancy or any defect. - No proceeding of the Central Advisory Board shall be invalid by reason of existence of any vacancy in or any defect in the constitution of the Board.


Chief Commissioner and Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities

30. Qualification for appointment of Chief Commissioner. - No person shall be eligible for appointment as Chief Commissioner, unless -

(a) he is a Graduate from a recognized University:

Provided that preference shall be given to persons having recognised degree or diploma in social work or law or management or human rights or rehabilitation or education of persons with disabilities;

(b) he is having experience of at least twenty-five years in a Group "A" level post in the Central Government or a State Government or a public sector undertaking or a semi Government or an autonomous body dealing with disability related matters or social sector or as a senior level functionary in registered national and international voluntary organizations in the field of disability or social development:

Provided that out of the total of twenty-five years of experience, he should have at least three years of experience in the field of rehabilitation or empowerment of persons with disabilities; and

(c) he has not attained the age of sixty years as on 1st January of the year of recruitment. 

    Note. - If he is in the service under the Central Government or a State Government, he shall seek retirement from such service before his appointment to the post.

31. Qualification for appointment of Commissioner. - No person shall be eligible for appointment as Commissioner, unless-

(a) he is a Graduate from a recognized University:

Provided that preference shall be given to persons having recognised degree or diploma in social work or law or management or human rights or rehabilitation or education of persons with disabilities.

(b) he is having at least twenty years experience in a Group "A" level post in the Central Government or a State Government or a public sector undertaking or a semi Government or an autonomous body dealing with disability related matters or social sector or as senior level functionary in registered national and international voluntary organizations in the field of disability or social development; and

(c) he has not attained the age of fifty-six years as on 1st January of the year of recruitment.

(b) he is having at least twenty years experience in a Group “A” level post in the Central Government or a State Government or a public sector undertaking or a semi Government or an autonomous body dealing with disability related matters or social sector or as senior level functionary in registered national and international voluntary organisations in the field of disability or social development:

Provided that out of the total of twenty years of experience, he should have at least three years of experience in the field of rehabilitation or empowerment of persons with disabilities; and

(c) he is less than fifty-six years of age as on the 1st January of the year of recruitment.” (substituted by Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Rules, 2020.)

32. Method of appointment of the Chief Commissioner and Commissioner. - (1) The Central Government shall, six months before the post of Chief Commissioner is due to fall vacant, advertise in at least two national level dailies each in English and Hindi inviting applications for the post from eligible candidates fulfilling the qualifications specified in rules 30 and 31.

(2) A search-cum-selection committee shall be constituted to recommend a panel of three suitable candidates for the post of the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner.

(3) The search-cum-selection committee shall be constituted in accordance with the instructions issued by the Government from time to time.

(4) The panel recommended by the committee may consist of persons from amongst those who have applied in response to the advertisement mentioned in sub-rule (1) and other eligible persons whom the Committee may consider suitable.

(5) The Central Government shall appoint one of the candidates recommended by the search-cum-selection committee as the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner.

33. Term of the Chief Commissioner and Commissioner. - (1) The term of office of Chief Commissioner shall be for a period of three years from the date on which he assumes office, or till he attains the age of sixty-five years, whichever is earlier.

(2) The term of office of the Commissioner shall be for a period of three years and may be extended for a period of another two years or till he attains the age of sixty years, whichever is earlier.

(3) A person may serve as Chief Commissioner or Commissioner for a maximum period of two terms subject to the condition that he has not attained the age of sixty-five years, or sixty years, respectively.

34. Salary and allowances of the Chief Commissioner and Commissioner. - (1) The Chief Commissioner shall be entitled for the salary and allowances as admissible to a Secretary to the Government of India.

(2) The Commissioner shall be entitled for the salary and allowances as admissible to a Additional Secretary to the Government of India.

(3) Where a Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner being a retired Government servant or a retired employee of any institution or autonomous body funded by the Government, is in receipt of pension in respect of such previous service, the salary admissible to him under these rules shall be reduced by the amount of the pension, and if he had received in lieu of a portion of the pension, the commuted value thereof, by the amount of such commuted portion of the pension.

35. Other terms and conditions of service of the Chief Commissioner and Commissioner. - (1) The Chief Commissioner and the Commissioner shall be entitled to such leave as is admissible to a Government servant under the Central Civil Service (Leave) Rules, 1972.

(2) The Chief Commissioner and the Commissioner shall be entitled to such leave travel concession as is admissible to a Group "A" officer under the Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession)Rules, 1988.

(3) The Chief Commissioner and the Commissioner shall be entitled to such medical benefits as is admissible to a Group "A" officer under the Central Government Health Scheme.

36. Resignation and removal. - (1) The Chief Commissioner and the Commissioner may, by notice in writing, under his hand, addressed to the Central Government, resign from the office:

Provided that he shall continue in the office till his resignation is accepted.

(2) The Central Government may remove a person from the office of the Chief Commissioner and the Commissioner, if he -

(a) becomes an undischarged insolvent;

(b) engages during his term of office in any paid employment or activity outside the duties of his office;

(c) is convicted or sentenced to imprisonment for an offence which in the opinion of the Central Government involves moral turpitude;

(d) is in the opinion of the Central Government, unfit to continue in office by reason of infirmity of mind or body or serious default in the performance of his functions as laid down in the Act;

(e) without obtaining leave of absence from the Central Government, remains absent from duty for a consecutive period of fifteen days or more; or

(f) has, in the opinion of the Central Government, so abused the position of the Chief Commissioner and Commissioner as to render his continuance in office detrimental to the interest of persons with disability:

Provided that no person shall be removed under this rule except after following the procedure, mutatis mutandis, applicable for removal of a Group "A" employee of the Central Government.

(3) The Central Government may suspend the Chief Commissioner and the Commissioner, in respect of whom proceedings for removal have been commenced in accordance with sub-rule (2), pending conclusion of such proceedings.

37. Residuary provision. - The conditions of service of the Chief Commissioner and the Commissioner in respect of which no express provision has been made in these rules shall be determined by the rules and orders for the time being applicable to the Secretary and Additional Secretary to the Government of India, as the case may be.

38. Procedure to be followed by Chief Commissioner and Commissioner. - (1) An aggrieved person may present a complaint containing the following particulars in person or by his agent to the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner or send it by registered post or by email addressed to the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner, namely:-

(a) the name, description and the address of the aggrieved person;

(b) the name, description and the address of the opposite party or parties, as the case may be, so far as they may be ascertained;

(c) the facts relating to complaint and when and where it arose;

(d) documents in support of the allegations contained in the complaint; and

(e) the relief which the aggrieved person claims.

(2) The Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner on receipt of a complaint shall refer a copy of the complaint to the opposite party or parties mentioned in the complaint, directing him to give his version of the case within a period of thirty days or such extended period not exceeding fifteen days as may be granted by the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner.

(3) On the date of hearing or any other date to which hearing could be adjourned, the parties or their agents shall appear before the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner.

(4) Where the aggrieved person or his agent fails to appear before the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner on such days, the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner may either dismiss the complaint on default or decide on merits.

(5) Where the opposite party or his agent fails to appear on the date of hearing, the Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner may take such necessary action under section 77 of the Act as he deems fit for summoning and enforcing the attendance of the opposite party.

(6) The Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner may dispose of the complaint ex-parte, if necessary.

(7) The Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner may on such terms as he deems fit and at any stage of the proceedings, adjourn the hearing of the complaint.

(8) The Chief Commissioner or the Commissioner shall decide the complaint as far as possible within a period of three months from the date of receipt of notice by the opposite party.

39. Advisory Committee to assist the Chief Commissioner. - (1) The Central Government shall appoint an Advisory Committee comprising of the following members, namely:-

(a) five experts to represent each of the five groups of specified disabilities mentioned in the Schedule to the Act of whom two shall be women;

(b) three experts in the field of barrier-free environment-

(i) one expert from physical environment;

(ii) one expert from transportation system; and

(iii) one expert from information and communication technology or other services and facilities provided to the public;

(c) one expert in the area of employment of persons with disabilities;

(d) one legal expert; and

(e) one expert as recommended by the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities.

(2) The Chief Commissioner may invite subject or domain expert as per the need who shall assist him in meeting or hearing and in preparation of the report.

(3) The tenure of the members of the Advisory Committee shall be for a period of three years and the members shall not be eligible for re-nomination.

(4) The non-official members of the Advisory Committee, in Delhi, shall be paid an allowance of rupees two thousand per day for each day of the actual meeting.

(5) The non-official members of the Advisory Committee, not residing in Delhi, shall be paid daily allowance and travelling allowance for each day of the actual meeting at the rate admissible to a Group "A" officer of the Central Government.

40. Submission of Annual Report. - (1) The Chief Commissioner, shall as soon as possible, after the end of the financial year but not later than the 30th day of September in the next year ensuing prepare and submit to the Central Government, an annual report giving a complete account of his activities during the said financial year.

(2) In particular, the annual report referred to in sub-rule (1) shall contain information in respect of each of the following matters, namely:-

(a) names of its officers and staff and a chart showing the organisational set up;

(b) the functions which the Chief Commissioner has been empowered under sections 75 and 76 of the Act and the highlights of the performance in this regard;

(c) the main recommendations made by the Chief Commissioner;

(d) the progress made in the implementation of the Act; and

(e) any other matter deemed appropriate for inclusion by the Chief Commissioner or specified by the Central Government from time to time.


National Fund for Persons with Disabilities

41. Management of National Fund. - (1) There shall be a governing body consisting of following members to manage the National Fund, namely:-

(a) Secretary, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, in the Central Government - Chairperson;

(b) Chairperson, Board of National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities - Member;

(c) Financial Advisor, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, in the Central Government - Member;

(d) two representatives from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of School Education and Literacy, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Department of Financial Services and Department of Rural Development in the Central Government, not below the rank of a Joint Secretary, by rotation in alphabetical order - Members;

(e) two persons representing different types of disabilities to be nominated by the Central Government, by rotation - Members;

(f) Joint Secretary in the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities in the Central Government - Convener and Chief Executive Officer.

(2) The governing body shall meet as often as necessary, but at least once in every financial year.

(3) The nominated members shall hold office for not more than three years.

(4) No member of the governing body shall be a beneficiary of the Fund during the period such member holds office.

(5) The nominated non-official members shall be eligible for payment of travelling allowance and daily allowance as admissible to a Group `A' employees of the Central Government for attending the meetings of the governing body.

(6) No person shall be nominated under clause (e) of sub-rule (1) as a member of the governing body if he -

(a) is, or has been, convicted of an offence, which in the opinion of the Central Government, involves moral turpitude; or

(b) is, or at any time has been, adjudicated as an insolvent.

42. Utilisation of the National Fund. - (1) The amount available under the Trust Fund for empowerment of persons with disabilities and the National Fund for people with disabilities, as on the date of the commencement of the Act, shall form the National Fund.

(2) All monies available under the two Funds referred to in sub-rule (1) shall stand transferred to the National Fund.

(3) All monies belonging to the Fund shall be deposited in such banks or invested in such manner as the governing body, may, subject to the general guidelines of the Central Government, decide.

(4) The Fund shall be invested in such manner as may be decided by the governing body.

(5) The Fund shall be utilized for the following purposes, namely:-

(a) financial assistance in the areas which are not specifically covered under any scheme and programme of the Central Government or are not adequately funded under any scheme or programme of the Central Government;

(b) for the purpose of implementation of the provisions of the Act;

(c) administrative and other expenses of the Fund, as may be required to be incurred by or under this Act; and

(d) such other purposes as may be decided by the governing body.

(6) Every proposal of expenditure shall be placed before the governing body for its approval.

(7) The governing body may appoint secretarial staff including accountants, with such terms and conditions, as it may think appropriate, to look after the management and utilisation of the Fund.

43. Budget. - The Chief Executive Officer of the Fund shall prepare the budget for incurring expenditure under the Fund for each financial year showing the estimated receipt and expenditure of the Fund, in January every year and shall place the same for consideration of the governing body.

44. Annual Report. - The annual report of the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities shall include a chapter on National Fund.

Form I

(Persons with Disabilities Employer's Return)

[See rule 13 (1)]

Six monthly return to be submitted to the Special Employment Exchange for the half year ended .........................................................................

Name and Address of the Employer .............................................................

Whether     -     Head Office ....................................................

          Branch Office ..................................................

Nature of business/ principal activity : .........................................................

1. Employment

(a) Total number of persons including working proprietors/ partners/ commission agents/ contingent paid and contractual workers, on the pay rolls of the Government establishment excluding part-time workers and apprentices. (The figures should include every person whose wage or salary is paid by the Government establishment).

On the last working day of the previous half year

Blindness and low vision

Deaf and hard of hearing

Locomotive disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy

Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness

Multiple disabilities from amongst persons with disabilities under columns (1) to (4) including deaf-blindness






On the last working day of the half year under report

Blindness and low vision

Deaf and hard of hearing

Locomotive disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy

Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness

Multiple disabilities from amongst persons with disabilities under columns (1) to (4) including deaf-blindness






Men with disability

Women with disability

Total -------------------------------------------------------

(b) Please indicate the main reasons for any increase or decrease in employment if the increase or decrease is more than 5% during the half year.

2. Vacancies. - Vacancies carrying total emoluments as per prevailing minimum wage per month and of over six months duration.

(a) Number of vacancies occurred and notified during the half year and the number filled during the half year (Separate figures may be given for men with disability and women with disability).

Number of vacancies which come within the purview of the Act.

Occurred           Notified           Filled          Source

    (Describe the source from which filled)

Local/ Special Employment Exchange                 General Employment Exchange

(b) Reasons for not notifying all vacancies occurred during the half year under report vide 2(a) ...............................

3. Manpower Shortages

    Vacancies/ posts unfilled because of shortage of suitable applicants.

Name of the occupation or Designation of the posts

Number of unfilled vacancies/ posts

disability wise experience not necessary

essential qualification

essential experience





Please list any other occupations for which this Government establishment had recently any difficulty in obtaining suitable applicants.

Dated ......................

Signature of employer


The Employment Exchange



Note. - This return relates to half yearly ending 31st March/ 30th September and shall be rendered to the local Special Employment Exchange within thirty days after the end of the half year concerned.

Form II

(Persons with Disabilities Employer's Return)

[See rule 13 (1)]

Occupational return to be submitted to the local Special Employment Exchange once in two years.

Name and Address of the Employer ............................................

Nature of business ______________________________

(describe what the Government establishment makes or does as its principal activity)

1. Total number of persons on the pay rolls of the Government establishment on (Specify date) ............ (This figure should include every person whose wage or salary is paid by the Government establishment)(Separate figures for men with disability and women with disability may be given).

2. Occupational classification of all employees as given in item - 1 above.

(please give below the number of employees in each occupation separately)


Number of Employees

Use exact terms

Men with disability

Women with disability


Such as Engineer (Mechanical);

Teacher (domestic/ science);

Officer on duty (actuary);

Assistant Director (Metallurgist);

Scientific Assistant (chemist);

Research Officer (economist);

Instructor (carpenter);

Please give as far as possible approximate number of vacancies in each occupation you are likely to fill during the next calendar year due to retirement.



Combustion (engine);

Inspector Sanitary);

Superintendent Office;

apprentice (Electrician).


Dated .............................

Signature of employer


The Employment Exchange

(please fill in here the address of your local Special Employment Exchange)

     Note : Total of column 5 under item 2 should correspond to the figure given against item-1.

Form III

(Persons with Disabilities Employer's Return)

[See rule 14]

Name and Address of the Employer .............................................................

Whether     -     Head Office ....................................................

          Branch Office ..................................................

Nature of business/ principal activity : .........................................................

Total number of persons on the pay rolls of the Government establishment (This figure should include every person whose wage or salary is paid by the Government establishment).

Total number of persons with disabilities (disability-wise) on the payroll of the Government establishment. (This figure should include every person with disability whose wage or salary is paid by the Government establishment).

(a) Occupational qualification of all employees (Please give below the number of employees in each occupation separately.


Number of Employees

Use exact terms

Men with disability

Women with disability


Such as Engineer (Mechanical);

Teacher (domestic/ science);

Officer on duty (actuary);

Assistant Director (Metallurgist);

Scientific Assistant (chemist);

Research Officer (economist);

Instructor (carpenter);

Please give as far as possible approximate number of vacancies in each occupation you are likely to fill during the next calendar year due to retirement.


(b) Please indicate the main reasons for any increase or decrease in employment if the increase or decrease is more than 5% during the half year ................................

2. Vacancies : Vacancies carrying total emoluments as per prevailing minimum wage per month and of over six months duration.

(a) Number of vacancies occurred and notified during the half year and the number filled during the half year.

Number of vacancies which come within the purview of the Act


Notified Local Special Employment Exchange

General employment


Sources (Describe the source form which filled







(b) Reasons for not notifying all vacancies occurred during the half year under report vide (a) 2 ................... above.

3. Manpower shortages

Vacancies/ posts unfilled because of shortage of suitable applications

Name of the occupation or Designation of the posts

Number of unfiled vacancies/ posts

Essential qualification

Essential experience

Experience Not necessary





Please list any other occupations for which this Government establishment had recently any difficulty in obtaining suitable applicants.

Dated .............

Signature of employer

Form IV

Application for Obtaining Certificate of Disability by Persons with Disabilities

[See rule 17(1)]


Name :





(First Name)

(Middle Name)


Father's Name : ___________________ Mother's Name : ________________


Date of Birth :








Age at the time of application : ___________________ years


Sex : Male/ Female/ Transgender __________________


Address :


Permanent address

(b) Current Address (i.e. for communication)






Period since when residing at current address



Educational Status (please tick as applicable)


Post Graduate






Higher Secondary


High School






Occupation ____________________________________


Identification marks (i) ________________ (ii) _________________


 Nature of disability :


 Period since when disabled: From Birth/ / since year ________________



Did you ever apply for issue of a certificate of disability in the past ___ yes/ no


If yes, details:

(a) Authority to whom and district in which applied ______________

(b) Result of application ____________________________________


 Have you ever been issued a certificate of disability in the past? If yes, please enclose a true copy.

Declaration: I hereby declare that all particulars stated above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and no material information has been concealed or misstated. I further state that if any inaccuracy is detected in the application, I shall be liable to forfeiture of any benefits derived and other action as per law.


(signature or left thumb impression of person with disability, or of his/ her legal guardian in case of persons with intellectual disability, autism, cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities, etc)

Date :



1. Proof of residence (Please tick as applicable).

(a) ration card,

(b) voter identity card,

(c) driving license,

(d) bank passbook,

(e) PAN card,

(f) passport,

(g) telephone, electricity, water and any other utility bill indicating the address of the applicant,

(h) a certificate of residence issued by a Panchayat, municipality, cantonment board, any gazetted officer, or the concerned Patwari or Head Master of a Government school,

(i) in case of an inmate of a residential institution for persons with disabilities, destitute, mentally ill, and other disability, a certificate of residence from head of such institution.

2. Two recent passport size photographs


(For office use only)

Date :

Place :

Signature of issuing authority Stamp

Form V

Certificate of Disability

(In cases of amputation or complete permanent paralysis of limbs or dwarfism and in case of blindness)

[See rule 18(1)]

(Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)

Recent passport size attested photograph

(Showing face only) of the person with disability.

Certificate No.

Date :

This is to certify that I have carefully examined Shri/ Smt./ Kum. ____________________________ son/ wife/ daughter of Shri __________________ Date of Birth (DD/ MM/ YY) ____________ Age ______ years, male/ female __________________ registration No. ______________ permanent resident of House No. ___________ Ward/ Village/ Street __________________ Post Office _______________ District __________ State ________________, whose photograph is affixed above, and am satisfied that:

(A) he/ she is a case of:

• locomotor disability

• dwarfism

• blindness

(Please tick as applicable)

(B) the diagnosis in his/ her case is __________________

(C) he/ she has ________ % (in figure) __________________ percent (in words) permanent locomotor disability/ dwarfism/ blindness in relation to his/ her ______ (part of body) as per guidelines (................ number and date of issue of the guidelines to be specified).

2. The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence:-

Nature of Document

Date of Issue

Details of authority issuing certificate

(Signature and Seal of Authorised Signatory
of notified Medical Authority)

Signature/ thumb impression of the person in whose favour certificate of disability is issued.

Form VI

Certificate of Disability

(In cases of multiple disabilities)

[See rule 18(1)]

(Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)

Recent passport size attested photograph

(Showing face only) of the person with disability.

Certificate No.

Date :

This is to certify that we have carefully examined Shri/ Smt./ Kum. _____________________________________son/ wife/ daughter of Shri _____________________________________Date of Birth (DD/ MM/ YY) ____________ Age _____ years, male/ female ______________. Registration No. _______________ permanent resident of House No. ____________ Ward/ Village/ Street ____________ Post Office ____________ District ____________ State ____________, whose photograph is affixed above, and am satisfied that:

(A) he/ she is a case of Multiple Disability. His/ her extent of permanent physical impairment/ disability has been evaluated as per guidelines (........................ number and date of issue of the guidelines to be specified) for the disabilities ticked below, and is shown against the relevant disability in the table below:

Sl. No.


Affected part of body


Permanent physical impairment/ mental disability (in %)


Locomotor disability



Muscular Dystrophy


Leprosy cured




Cerebral Palsy


Acid attack Victim


Low vision









Hard of Hearing



Speech and Language disability


Intellectual Disability


Specific Learning Disability


Autism Spectrum Disorder


Mental illness


Chronic Neurological Conditions


Multiple sclerosis


Parkinson's disease






Sickle Cell disease

(B) In the light of the above, his/ her over all permanent physical impairment as per guidelines (................... number and date of issue of the guidelines to be specified), is as follows : -

In figures :- ------------------ percent

In words :- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- percent

2. This condition is progressive/ non-progressive/ likely to improve/ not likely to improve.

3. Reassessment of disability is :

(i) not necessary, or

(ii) is recommended/ after ............... years ................ months, and therefore this certificate shall be valid till ----- ----- ------ (DD) (MM) (YY)

@ e.g. Left/ right/ both arms/ legs

# e.g. Single eye

£ e.g. Left/ Right/ both ears

4. The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence:-

Nature of document

Date of issue

Details of authority issuing certificate

5. Signature and seal of the Medical Authority.

Name and Seal of Member

Name and Seal of Member

Name and Seal of the Chairperson

Signature/ thumb impression of the person in whose favour certificate of disability is issued.

Form VII

Certificate of Disability

(In cases other than those mentioned in Forms V and VI)

(Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)

[See rule 18(1)]

Recent passport size attested photograph

(Showing face only) of the person with disability.

Certificate No.

Date :

This is to certify that I have carefully examined

Shri/ Smt/ Kum __________________________________________ son/ wife/ daughter of Shri __________________________________________ Date of Birth (DD/ MM/ YY)_____ _____ ____ Age _______ years, male/ female _________ Registration No. __________________ permanent resident of House No. ___________ Ward/ Village/ Street _____________________ Post Office _________________ District ________________ State ____________________, whose photograph is affixed above, and am satisfied that he/ she is a case of ______________________________ disability. His/ her extent of percentage physical impairment/ disability has been evaluated as per guidelines (................. number and date of issue of the guidelines to be specified) and is shown against the relevant disability in the table below:-

Sl. No.


Affected part of body


Permanent physical impairment/ mental disability (in %)


Locomotor disability



Muscular Dystrophy


Leprosy cured


Cerebral Palsy


Acid attack Victim


Low vision





Hard of Hearing


Speech and Language disability


Intellectual Disability


Specific Learning Disability


Autism Spectrum Disorder


Mental illness


Chronic Neurological Conditions


Multiple sclerosis


Parkinson's disease






Sickle Cell disease

(Please strike out the disabilities which are not applicable)

2. The above condition is progressive/ non-progressive/ likely to improve/ not likely to improve.

3. Reassessment of disability is:

(i) not necessary, or

(ii) is recommended/ after _______ years ______________ months, and therefore this certificate shall be valid till (DD/ MM/ YY) ____ ____ ____

@ - eg. Left/ Right/ both arms/ legs

# - eg. Single eye/ both eyes

€ - eg. Left/ Right/ both ears

4. The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence:-

Nature of Document

Date of Issue

Details of authority issuing certificate

(Authorised Signatory of notified Medical Authority)

(Name and Seal)


{Countersignature and seal of the
Chief Medical Officer/ Medical Superintendent/
Head of Government Hospital, in case the
Certificate is issued by a medical authority who is
not a Government servant (with seal)}

Signature/ thumb impression of the person in whose favour certificate of disability is issued.

Note. - In case this certificate is issued by a medical authority who is not a Government servant, it shall be valid only if countersigned by the Chief Medical Officer of the District


[Intimation of rejection of Application for Certificate of Disability]

[See rule 18 (4)]

No. ________________________

Dated :


(Name and address of applicant for Certificate of Disability)

Sub: Rejection of Application for Certificate of Disability

Sir/ Madam,

Please refer to your application dated __________ for issue of a Certificate of Disability for the following disability : __________________

2. Pursuant to the above application, you have been examined by the undersigned/ Medical Authority on ________ , and I regret to inform that, for the reasons mentioned below, it is not possible to issue a Certificate of Disability in your favour:




3. In case you are aggrieved by the rejection of your application, you may represent to________________, requesting for review of this decision.

Yours faithfully,

(Authorised Signatory of the notified Medical Authority)

(Name and Seal)


Application for Obtaining Certificate of Disability/Unique Disability Identity (UDID) Card by Applicant 

[See rule 17(1)]

1. Personal Details:

a) Applicant’s Full Name : _______________

b) Gender (Male/Female/Transgender): _______________

c) Date of Birth : DD/MM/YYYY

d) Mobile number (10 digits only): _______________

e) Email id (Optional) : _______________

f) Name of Applicant’s Father/Mother/Guardian: ___________________

g) Contact Number of Father/Mother/Guardian ___________________

h) In case of Guardian, relation of Guardian with Applicant: ________________

2. Proof of Identity:

a) Aadhaar no. of the applicant : __________________

b) I agree to share Aadhaar information with Government Department:

(Please see Note at the end of this Form in case Aadhaar Card is not available.)

3. Proof of Address:

(a) Address : __________________

(b) State/UT: __________________

(c) District: __________________

(d) Sub District: __________________

(e) Village / Town (Optional): __________________

(f) Pin Code: __________________ 

(g) Nature of Document for Address Proof (Please tick as applicable):

i. Aadhaar Card

ii. Indian Passport

iii. Ration/Public Distribution System Photograph Card or E-Ration Card

iv. Voter Identity Card or E-Voter Identity Card

v. Disability Certificate issued under RPwD Rules, 2017

vi. Photograph Identity Card or Certificate with Photograph issued by Central Govt./State Government like Bhamashah, Domicile Certificate, Resident Certificate, Jan-Aadhaar, MGNREGA/ NREGS Job Card, Labour Card etc.

vii. ST/SC/OBC Certificate issued by Central/State Government

viii. Transgender Identity Card or Certificate issued under Transgender Persons Act, 2019

ix. Certificate issued by MP or MLA or MLC or Municipal Councillor

x. Certificate issued by Gazetted Officer of Central/State Government etc.

xi. Certificate issued by Superintendent or Warden or Matron or Head of Institution of recognized shelter or Home or orphanages (for children of concerned shelter home or orphanage only)

xii. Certificate issued by Village Panchayat Head or President or Mukhiya or Gaon Bura or Panchayat Secretary etc.

xiii. Electricity bill (but not older than three months)

xiv. Water bill (but not older than three months)

xv. Telephone Landline bill or Postpaid mobile bill/Broad band bill (but not older than three months)

xvi. Valid Registered Sale Agreement or Registered Gift Deed in Registrar Office or Registered or non registered rent

xvii. Lease agreement or Leave and License agreement

xviii. Gas Connection bill (but not older than three months)

xix. Allotment letter of accommodation issued by Central Government or State Government or Public Sector Undertaking or Regulatory Bodies or Statutory bodies (Not older than one year)

xx. Life or Medical Insurance Policy (Valid upto one year from the date of issue of the policy) 

4. Disability Details:

(a) Disability Type (Please tick as applicable):

(i) Acid Attack Victim

(ii) Autism Spectrum Disorder

(iii) Blindness

(iv) Cerebral Palsy

(v) Chronic Neurological Conditions

(vi) Dwarfism

(vii) Hearing Impairment

(viii) Hemophilia

(ix) Intellectual Disability

(x) Leprosy cured

(xi) Locomotor Disability

(xii) Low Vision

(xiii) Mental Illness 

(xiv) Multiple Sclerosis 

(xv) Muscular Dystrophy

(xvi) Parkinson's Disease

(xvii) Sickle Cell Disease

(xviii) Specific Learning Disabilities

(xix) Speech and Language Disability

(xx) Thalassemia

(xxi) Multiple Disabilities * 

    (*Note: In Case of Multiple Disabilities, Please choose 2 or more out of the 20 disabilities listed above)

(b) Disability due to:

(i) Accident

(ii) Congenital

(iii) Diseases

(iv) Hereditary

(v) Infection

(vi) Medicine

(vii) Any other

(c) Period since when disabled: From Birth or since year ________________

(d) Do you have the old (manual) disability certificate (Yes/No): ________________

If yes, scanned copy of disability certificate to be uploaded with below details

i) Certificate Number

ii) Date of Issue

iii) Details of Issuing Medical Authority

5. Mention the hospital for assessment/issue of Unique Disability Identity card /disability certificate:

Is your treating Hospital in other State or District (Yes/No): ________________

If yes, 

(a) Hospital Treating State / UTs: ________________

(b) Hospital Treating District: ________________

(c) Hospital Name

If No, choose Hospital from your domicile district 

Hospital Name : ________________

Declaration: I hereby declare that all particulars stated above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and no material information has been concealed or misstated. I further state that if any inaccuracy is detected in the application, I shall be liable to forfeiture of any benefits derived and other action as per law. 


(Signature or left thumb impression 

of person with disability, or of his/her 

legal guardian in case of persons with

intellectual disability, autism, cerebral palsy 

and multiple disabilities, etc.) 




1. Proof of Identity- Aadhaar Card (Please see Note at the end of this Form in case Aadhaar Card is not available.)

2. Proof of Address (As indicated in Para 3(g) above) if it is other than Aadhaar.

Note (In Reference to Para 2: Proof of Identity):

If Applicant has Enrolled for Aadhaar but has not got Aadhaar Number till now, mention your Aadhaar Enrollment Number _____________________ and Attach or Upload the Aadhaar Enrollment Slip along with any one of the following documents, namely:-

I. Bank or Post Office Passbook with Photo; or

II. Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card; or

III. Passport; or

IV. Ration Card; or

V. Voter Identity Card; or

VI. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Card; or

VII. Kisan Photo Passbook; or

VIII. Driving License Issued by the Licensing Authority under Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 (59 of 1988); or

IX. Certificate of Identity having Photo of such Person Issued by a Gazetted Officer or a Tehsildar on an Official Letter Head; or

X. Any other Document as Specified by the Department;


Logo of Government of India

Logo of Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, GoI

Logo of Respective State or Union Territory

Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities,

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India


Disability Certificate

(In case of Single Disability)

[See rule 18(1)]

(Name and Address of the Medical Authority Issuing the Certificate)


Recent passport size photograph (Showing face only) of the person with disability

Certificate/UDID No.                                                                     Date of Issue :

This is to certify that I/we have carefully examined <Name of the applicant>, Son/Daughter/Care of < name of father/mother/guardian> , Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY), Gender < Male/Female/Transgender> , Registration No. <UDID Enrolment No.> Resident of < address of PwD> whose photograph is affixed above, and I am /we are satisfied that:

(A) He/She is a case of (Any one of the following disabilities):

i. Locomotor Disability

ii. Muscular Dystrophy

iii. Leprosy Cured

iv. Dwarfism

v. Cerebral Palsy

vi. Acid Attack Victim

vii. Low Vision

viii. Blindness

ix. Hearing Impairment

x. Speech and Language Disability

xi. Intellectual Disability

xii. Specific Learning Disabilities

xiii. Autism Spectrum Disorder

xiv. Mental Illness

xv. Chronic Neurological Conditions

xvi. Multiple Sclerosis

xvii. Parkinson’s Diseases

xviii. Haemophilia

xix. Thalassemia

xx. Sickle Cell Disease

(B) Name of affected body part:

(C) The diagnosis in his/her case is ______________

(D) He/She has ___________% (in figure) ________________ percent (in words) disability and the nature of certificate is {Permanent / temporary and valid till (DD/MM/YYYY) } as per the guidelines for the purpose of assessing the extent of specified disability in a person included under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 notified by Government of India vide <Notification No> dated (DD/MM/YYY).

Signature / Thumb impression of the Person with Disability:

Signature of notified Medical Authority Member(s):


Name and Address of the Medical Authority Issuing the Certificate:


Logo of Government of India

Logo of Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, GoI

Logo of Respective State or Union Territory

Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities,

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India


Disability Certificate

(In case of Multiple Disabilities)

[See rule 18(1)]

(Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)


Recent passport size photograph (Showing face only) of the person with disability

Certificate/UDID No.                                                                     Date of Issue :

   This is to certify that we have carefully examined <Name of the applicant>, Son/Daughter/Care of <write name of father/mother/guardian> , Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) , Gender< Male/Female/Transgender > , Registration No. <UDID Enrolment No.> Resident of < address of PwD> whose photograph is affixed above, and we are satisfied that:

(A) He/She is a case of Multiple Disabilities. His/her extent of physical impairments/ disabilities have been evaluated as per the guidelines for the purpose of assessing the extent of specified disability in a person included under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 notified by Government of India vide <Notification No> dated (DD/MM/YYY) for the disabilities below:

Sl. No.


Name of Affected Body Part


Disability Percentage


Locomotor Disability





Muscular Dystrophy





Leprosy Cured










Cerebral Palsy





 Acid Attack Victim





 Low Vision










Hearing Impairment





Speech and Language Disability





Intellectual Disability





Specific Learning Disabilities





Autism Spectrum Disorder





Mental Illness





Chronic Neurological Conditions





Multiple Sclerosis





Parkinson’s Diseases















Sickle Cell Disease




(Note: Only the disabilities diagnosed will be listed)

(B) He/She has ___________% (in figure) ________________ percent (in words) overall disability and the nature of certificate is { permanent/ temporary and valid till (DD/MM/YYYY) }

Signature / Thumb impression of the Person with Disability:

Signature of notified Medical Authority Members:


Name and Address of the Medical Authority Issuing the Certificate:




[See rule 18(1)]


Logo of Government of India

Logo of Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, GoI

Logo of Respective State or Union Territory

Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities,

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India


Rejection Certificate

(In case of Rejection of Application for Certificate of Disability)

[See rule 18(5)]

(Name and Address of the Medical Authority Issuing the Certificate)


Recent passport size photograph (Showing face only) of the person with disability

                                                                                      Date of Rejection:


(Name and Address of the Applicant for Certificate of Disability)

Subject: Rejection of Application for Certificate of Disability/Unique Disability Identity Card


Please refer to your UDID Application/Registration No. <UDID Enrolment No.> dated <DD/MM/YYYY.> for issuance of a Certificate of Disability/UDID Card for the following disability:




2. Pursuant to your application, you have been examined dated <DD/MM/YYYY> by the undersigned/Medical Authority and I regret to inform that it is not possible to issue a Certificate of Disability/UDID Card in your favour for the reason(s) mentioned below:




3. In case you are aggrieved by the rejection of your application, you may represent to the Appellate Authority within 90 days requesting for review of this decision.


Name and Address of the Medical Authority Issuing the Certificate:


  (Form IV to Form VIII inserted wide G.S.R. 649(E). dated 16 October 2024)

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